SPECIAL NOTICE: September 20th 2022
Blue-Green Algae sightings confirmed by the Ministry and Public Health. LINK HERE to read more...
RESOLVED December 13th, 2022
The Bass Lake Association is active with respect to monitoring the quality of our lake. Historically we have tested six (6) sites that provide a good snapshot of water conditions. For 2023, we are testing only four (4) sites as indicated in the second map (right).
We have reduced the number of test sites in recent years as they have shown no need for concern. These include the watershed inflow point off Kendon Road that was tested for additional phosphorus load from the golf course (test pt 7 on the old map). The results over the past 10 years have been benign and we have eliminated this as a test point. We also eliminated testing around sites where there was concern of faulty septic beds (site 2 on the old map). The recent septic study by the municipality has cancelled this need.
- We report regularly on this webpage, and in the weekly (May to October) Bass Lake Update.
Additional comprehensive information and reporting about Water Quality
and maintaining Water Quality is now available at our newest webpage titled Understanding Water Quality on Bass Lake
Spring 2021
New legislation came into effect on May 20th, 2021
- Bill 228: An Act to prohibit unencapsulated expanded or extruded polystyrene in floating docks, floating platforms and buoys
- It is now illegal to have exposed styrofoam in contact with the water.
- While it does not apply retroactively, and it does not specify floater mats, the same issues and concerns apply.
Please inspect any 'items' you might have that have styrofoam in contact with the water and remove/replace if they show signs of degradation.
Information about testing your individual drinking water supply - the water coming from your tap - can be found in the Public Health section of the Community Connections page here at the Bass Lake Assocation website.
Current Water Quality Conditions at Bass Lake
Please refer to the following with respect to water quality trends on Bass Lake.
- 2019 MLA Bass Lake Report - REVISED
- 2020 AGM Water Quality Interim Report - includes Spring Turnover sampling data
- Total Phosphorous, July 5, 2020 sampling data
- 2020 Interim Water Quality Report (as prepared for the AGM)
- 2021 Water Quality Summary (as prepared for the AGM)
- 2022 Water Quality Results (as prepared for the AGM and posting on the website)
Please refer also to these publications from the MLA
- MLA Newsbites - June 2020
- LINK here to access the full online edition.
- Note that the Bass Lake referred to is NOT our Bass Lake.
- Request made by BLA Executive to have this clarified.
- MLA Newsbites - July 2020
- Link here to access the full online edition.
- The final item in this edition of MLA News bites contains a clarification with respect to the Bass Lake identified in the previous edition (June 2020, above).
- This follows an exchange of emails with the MLA.
- Your BLA Executive sent them a note of thanks for making this clarification for the record.