GIANT Book sale flyer
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Muskoka Ratepayers Assoc logo.jpg

Community Connections

Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA)

The Muskoka Lakes Association’s mission is to promote the responsible use, enjoyment and conservation of the unique Muskoka environment.


Muskoka Watershed Council

Protecting the future of Muskoka's Watersheds.


Safe and Quiet Lakes

Making the Muskoka Lakes safer and quieter to ensure the sustainable enjoyment of a treasured shared resource.



Page still under construction... Check back again for links to additional resources of interest.



Page Navigation...

Local Associations  - The Friends of the Mactier Library

Cottage Country Associations - Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA), Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA), Muskoka Watershed Council, Safe and Quiet Lakes

Public Health  - Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit... includes information about public health testing of your drinking water supply.

Wildlife Protection - Ontario Turtle Conservations Centre Turtle Taxi, Georgian Bay Biosphere Turtle Recovery Project


... more yet to come...

Public Health... including drinking water testing

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU)

The SMDHU offers a combination of programs and services, and works on policies and initiatives that protect and promote the health of the population.


The nearest local office, offering a variety of services, is located at 5 Pine Ridge Drive in Gravenhurst.


Cottage Country Associations...

Federation of Ontario Cottager's Associations (FOCA)

FOCA represents 50,000 families in more than 500 associations across the province.



SUMMER 2022:  FOCA is expanding their Be #wakeaware programme,

to includenew Marine Anbassadors.


  • LINK HERE - or on the image - to learn more about how and why you can
    and should be #wakeaware




Local Associations...

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (NBPSDHU)

The NBPSDHU works to foster healthy living within our communities by preventing illness, promoting healthy choices and providing trusted support and information.


The nearest local office, offering a variety of services, is located inside the mall at 70 Joseph Street in Parry Sound.


Friends of the Mactier Library

May 21st, 2022.... GIANT Book Sale and more...


Come out and support y/our local library.


Muskoka Ratepayers Association

An advocacy group whose objective is to ensure that the Township receives responsible governance from those that were elected to represent us in the Township of Muskoka Lakes

Wildlife Protection... 

Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre


The Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre (home of Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre) is a registered charity whose goal is to protect and conserve Ontario’s native turtles and the habitat in which they live. We accomplish this by operating a turtle hospital that treats, rehabilitates, and releases injured turtles, by performing extensive research in the field to further conservation initiatives, and by running a comprehensive education and outreach program.


Want to help out?


Carry a Turtle Trauma kit in your vehicle.


Register to become a Turtle Taxi driver, ferrying injured turtles part or all of the way from Muskoka - or anywhere else in Ontario - to the OTCC in Peterborough.

Both of the above District Health Units offer the full range of immunisations, as well as collection of private water samples for testing.


Local health units across the province will perform basic tests for bacteria (e-coli and total coliforms) for free on properly submitted drinking water samples.

  • In addition to the regular sampling and testing done by the Bass Lake Association on the lake water in general, all cottagers are strongly encouraged to test their own water - from the tap - a couple of times per year, regardless of whether you draw your water from the lake or from a well.
  • Sterile water sample bottles are available from local health district offices (see above), and also from the Mactier Public Library.

Interest was expressed in having water sample bottles available locally on Bass Lake.

  • The BLA has procured 24 sterile water sample bottles.  These are available on a first come, first served basis… and our supply can be replenished when it runs low.
  • We will use the Little Free Library (LFL) - at the turnaround at the end of Kendon Road, abutting the Crown Land - as a pickup point.  
  • Please don’t hoard… take only one at a time as you need it.


Important notes about submitting water samples... 

  • Water samples must be submitted in the designated sample bottles.
  • Samples should be taken from your tap - not drawn directly from the source.
  • Samples should be kept cool - i.e. not stored in a warm vehicle.
  • Samples should be dropped off the same day they are collected - certainly within 24 hours.
  • Samples are not processed over the weekend so do NOT drop off on a Friday or Saturday!
  • If you want to test for other chemicals and/or minerals, you will need to send samples to one of the provincially designated private labs that do this work.

Georgian Bay Biosphere (GBB)


In the summer of 2020, the GBB undertook to protect turtles whose habitat was threatened by a road construction project on Skerryvore Road.


For more information about what to do if you see a turtle on the road...


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